During the 2020–2025 Strategy Period, the TAH Foundation will be dedicating its activities and contributions to fighting the climate crisis.
The purpose of the TAH Foundation is to support and promote social welfare, culture, the environment and science, as well as their teaching and research. In the autumn of 2019, the Board of the foundation addressed the focus of its future activities and the contributions it would make during the coming decade. It was agreed that the foundation will be concentrating its resources on contributing to efforts to curb climate change over the 2020–2025 period.
We are on the verge of drifting into a global crisis due to accelerated global warming. The situation is rapidly deteriorating, putting at risk everything the foundation was established to cherish. Ecological reconstruction cannot be postponed.
The 2020s will be a crucial decade for decision-making and the introduction of fast-acting measures. We need to introduce scalable measures to significantly cut back the use of fossil fuel energy sources, and this needs to happen in the first half of the decade.
After an extensive discussion with top experts, the Board has decided to allocate its support and resources for the 2020-2025 Strategy Period to fast-moving measures designed to reduce emissions. The foundation aims to identify, support and promote projects which propose changes at system, national and international level, prioritizing projects focused on energy production, innovations related to industry or sustainable raw materials, and zero-carbon technology. The foundation will also prioritize projects that propose solutions for the reduction of emissions through regulation.
Projects receiving support must be scalable and feature positive climate impacts which are fast-acting and efficient. Further to the support given to emission-cutting projects, the foundation wishes to strengthen the dialogue between experts and decision-makers and provoke discussion on the urgency of curbing climate change.
The foundation aims to be open and transparent in all its efforts. Important principles upheld by the foundation include cooperative networking and continuous development of its own activities.
The foundation will analyse and select its partners for the 2020–2025 Strategy Period on the basis of expert review and dialogue. It is unlikely that the foundation will organise open grant application cycles.
Read more about the foundation’s strategy work here.